Worship Guide: The Climate Vigil Songs Worship Guide is now available! Find song lyrics, reflections, prayers, discussion questions, and critical information about climate change from a Christian perspective. (Tap the image to open the PDF.)
Sheet Music: Download the sheet music (leadsheets) for Climate Vigil Songs, free of charge thanks to The Porter's Gate Worship Project. CCLI numbers are included.
God of Grace and Mystery
Where Were You?
Lord, Have Mercy
Declaring Glory! (Earth Sings Its Refrain)
Hosanna! (Will You Rise?)
The Kingdom is Coming
Bring in the Year of Jubilee (Psalm 37)
Good Lord, Deliver Us
Water to Wine
Brother Sun (Giving Glory!)
Keep Watch and Pray
The Promise
The Climate Vigil movement calls on Christians,
and all people of goodwill, to gather in local communities to bear witness to our climate crisis – and take action to end it.
Will you join us?
Partners and Sponsors of Climate Vigil Songs:

Communication Partners:
Access the full album on your favorite platform.
Listen to the album singles and watch the lyric videos.
We hope these songs inspire you to join with others and face climate change with faith, hope, and love.
Are you ready to be the light in your community?
Sign up below, and we'll be in touch!